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Support our autism services by fundraising at work

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Choosing us as your Charity of the Year is one of the best ways to help us fund a number of local services and projects for autistic people and their families. A long term partnership can make a massive difference to our service reach.

With over 35,000 autistic people in Northern Ireland, our services are needed more than ever. Becoming a corporate partner and supporting our vital work means we can continue to deliver our services to our autistic community.

Choosing Autism NI as your Charity partner has great benefits including:

  • Building staff morale, motivation and team spirit in the workplace.

  • Services available for autistic employees and employees that have a family member who is autistic

  • Being associated with Northern Ireland’s main autism charity and building an inclusive society for all autistic people.

  • Meet your organisation’s corporate social responsibility goals.

  • Autism NI’s dedicated fundraising team will work with you and listen to your needs to deliver tailored packages that meet your expectations and requirements for a Charity partner.

  • Avail of bespoke autism training for front line staff or information sessions.

  • Widely recognised PR coverage and publicity opportunities.


If your organisation has a yearly signature event, why not choose Autism NI as the beneficiary charity? Or hold a one-off event such as a quiz, coffee morning or dress down day and ask the team to get together to raise vital funds for Autism NI.

You can also get a staff team together and join one of our adventurous challenges and events.

For more information and support on how to fundraise, please email


At Autism NI we are known for our unique and fun events such as the Glow Walk, Superhero Week and Swimathon. Your organisation can get involved and sponsor one of these events to support our autism community in Northern Ireland.

By sponsoring one of our events, this can bring positive PR and media opportunities for your organisation. You are also pledging your support for a local charity and the autism community in Northern Ireland.

For more information on sponsoring an event, please email


The easiest way to give a charitable donation from your pay.

Payroll Giving enables you to give to charity on a tax free basis. Simply choose how much you want to donate and your donation will comes out of your wages on payday. The taxman gives us the tax on your donation at no extra cost to you. 

Setting up Payroll Giving couldn't be easier. Just click here to complete our application form and donate to Autism NI on a weekly/fourtnightly/monthly basis. For more information about Payroll Giving contact 028 9040 1729 (Option 3).


Do you have valuable skills and time to give? Get a staff team together and volunteer with our charity at one of our signature events, in the office or at our collections.

If you would like to volunteer your time, please email

  • How does Autism NI spend donations?

    We rely on donations and fundraising to provide local services to autistic people and their families. Your support helps us continue to provide invaluable services including Early Intervention, Family Support, our Helpline, accredited training, and lobbying.

    With over 35,000 autistic people in Northern Ireland, it is vital that we continue to support our vibrant autism community, and campaign for autism acceptance within society. Fundraising is the best way you can make a difference and support Autism NI, to help us grow our services and to help more autistic people.

  • With over 35,000 autistic people in Northern Ireland and 1 in 20 school age children having an autism diagnosis, our services are needed more than ever.

    Whether you would like to make a donation on a monthly basis, get involved in one of our key events, or fundraise in your workplace or in your school; there are lots of ways in which you can get involved and support our vital services.

    Support us today and help us build an inclusive society in Northern Ireland.


  • Gift Aid is a no hassle, low effort way to help Autism NI. Gift Aid is a scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax on a donation make by a UK taxpayer, which means that your donation can be worth 25% more to us at no extra cost to you. Imagine what a difference that could make and it doesn’t cost you a thing.

    This additional income makes a big impact to the donations we receive to help support our services, so please don’t forget to Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK taxpayer.

    How it works:

    If you are a UK taxpayer, the Government allows charities to reclaim 25% of your donation and it won’t cost you anything extra. With your permission, Autism NI can re-claim tax on your behalf. All you need to do is read the Gift Aid statement and if you are happy to proceed then download and sign the form attached.

    What we need to claim Gift Aid:

    • Your full name and home address

    • Your donation amount

    • Confirm you are a UK taxpayer

    • We cannot claim Gift Aim from company accounts. Therefore your donation must be your own and not the proceeds of a collection

    • Using your completed form, we can claim Gift Aid on all your donations in the last 4 years and all future donations

    • Please inform us if you have stopped paying tax or if you have changed your name/address so that we can update our records

    Download Gift Aid form

  • If you would like any further help and advice on fundraising, or if you would like to start fundraising, please contact our Fundraising team on or call 028 9040 1729 option 3

  • We would like to thank you for helping us raise vital funds to support our local autism services and help us build an inclusive society where autistic people can achieve their full potential. Our work wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of our supporters.

    By supporting Autism NI through different fundraising activities, we pledge that we will use your donation responsibly and for the purpose given, our Fundraising team will support you during your fundraising journey, we will keep administration costs minimal, we will protect your personal data in line with Data Protection principles, we will respond to queries or complaints as quickly as possible, and your support will be acknowledged.

    If you have any questions, please contact our Fundraising team on